When it comes to making your community the best community it can be, it really depends on individual citizens helping out whenever they can. You may not have time to volunteer or show your support for a good cause every single day, but when you do, you should definitely take advantage of it. One way… Continue reading Register For The Eastern NC Buddy Walk Greenville
Tag: Outdoor events
Lace Up For The Cupid’s Crawl 10K & 5K
Are you still keeping up with your New Year’s resolutions? If you are like many people, then you set a goal for yourself to get fit at the beginning of the new year. However, it can be challenging to stick to a workout routine if you’re in it by yourself. Therefore, if you’re looking for… Continue reading Lace Up For The Cupid’s Crawl 10K & 5K
Attend The Harvest Festival At Neuseway Nature Park
Fall is one of the most special times of the year. Not only is the weather beautiful and comfortable, but it’s also a time to slow down and be grateful for what we have. Of course, you take the time to do that with your family, but why not start the same tradition with your… Continue reading Attend The Harvest Festival At Neuseway Nature Park
Catch The Lenoir County Fair Annual Demolition Derby!
You need your vehicle to get around, so there’s probably nothing exciting to you about getting into a crash and totaling your car. But there’s something about seeing a demolition derby that’s so exciting. It may not be something you get to see all the time, but you’re in luck when you come out to… Continue reading Catch The Lenoir County Fair Annual Demolition Derby!