When it comes to making your community the best community it can be, it really depends on individual citizens helping out whenever they can. You may not have time to volunteer or show your support for a good cause every single day, but when you do, you should definitely take advantage of it. One way you can do that sometime soon? Make plans to participate in the Eastern NC Buddy Walk Greenville. It’s your chance to show your support to individuals with Down syndrome. Whether you or someone you know lives with the condition or you want to show your support, this is a great way to get involved in the community.
What You Should Know
It’s a good idea to get all the details about this event as soon as possible so you can plan to be there. This year’s buddy walk is going to be held on Saturday, March 28. It will take place at the Tar River Boardwalk at Town Commons in Greenville, North Carolina. The event is going to run from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., so make sure you have the afternoon free. Registration for adults ages 18 and up costs $15. This gives you access to the event as well as a t-shirt. Child registration for kids ages 2 to 17 costs just $10 and includes the same. Participants with Down syndrome and children under 2 years of age get in free, plus they get a free t-shirt.
Be a Virtual Walker
This event is a fundraiser, which means that the proceeds are going to benefit others. Therefore, you may want to make a donation even if you can’t be at the event. Just register as a virtual walker if you wish to participate as much as possible. You’ll get to donate $15, and you’ll know that your money is going toward a worthy cause.
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Everyone Is Welcome
You may feel like your life has to have been touched by Down syndrome to participate in this event. However, that really is far from the truth. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun for this event. If you’re looking for a way to get outside and get active with your whole family, you should make plans to be there.
There are so many ways to help support people in need in your community. Make your plans to attend this buddy walk, and then check out other volunteer or fundraising opportunities in the local area. You’ll feel great about helping out.
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